Fry Family photos:

Home page

John & Catherine Eberhardt Fry

Franklin Pierce & Nancy Fry

George Benton & Maude Mae Fry


Other family photos:

Czernek family
Haun family
Markel family
Pence family
Sisson family
Other cousins
Unidentified photos


Fry Family obituaries:

Obits & death certificates


1940 U.S. Census 1950 U.S. Census


Satellite photos & maps:

Family farms & homes



Pence Family Photos

These pages are part of the FryFamilyAshland website.

* Jim and Annie Pence with Delbert, Patti, Shirely and Jim, Jr. (front) circa 1960.
* Jim Pence with Model A Ford. Likely pre-World War II.
* Patti Pence, taken February 15, 1948 at her grandfather's farm.





Revision: 6/6/2023

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