Fry Family photos:

Home page

John & Catherine Eberhardt Fry

Franklin Pierce & Nancy Fry

George Benton & Maude Mae Fry


Other family photos:

Czernek family
Haun family
Markel family
Pence family
Sisson family
Other cousins
Unidentified photos


Fry Family obituaries:

Obits & death certificates



Satellite photos & maps:

Family farms & homes



Satellite view of Fry Family farms

We've added Wikimapia links to several family homesteads. Surprisingly the John and Catherine Fry farm, purchased in 1837, is still visible. So too is Franklin Fry's 30-acres, across township road 2150, which he and Nancy Ann Offineer Fry occupied in 1874. If these images are slow to load, please let me know. You can also try loading Wikimapia, then searching by family names, as it may be faster.

Note that you can zoom in an out for better views. Also, by clicking on View/Map you can switch to a road map.

* John and Catherine Fry (after his death, Catherine and sons William and Benjamin would occupy the farm).
* Franklin Pierce Fry and Nancy Ann Offineer Fry.
* George Benton Fry and Maude Mae Sisson Fry's home, where most of the aunts and uncles were raised (1895-1930).
* George Benton Fry's house between about 1930 and his death in 1946. Later occupied by Jim and Annie Fry Pence. Still owned by the Pence family.
* Don and Mildred Fry's farm near Nova, OH. Originally homesteaded by Mildred Koppler's parents in 1870.
* Montgomery and Leona Nelson Fry.
* Edward Czernek and Evelyn Fry Czernek's home in Cleveland Heights for 20 years. This house, at 2928 East Derbyshire, can be seen on Google Street Views.





Revision: 11/19/2011

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