Fry Family photos:

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John & Catherine Eberhardt Fry

Franklin Pierce & Nancy Fry

George Benton & Maude Mae Fry


Other family photos:

Czernek family
Haun family
Markel family
Pence family
Sisson family
Other cousins
Unidentified photos


Fry Family obituaries:

Obits & death certificates



Satellite photos & maps:

Family farms & homes



George Benton and Maude Mae Sisson Fry

George Benton Fry's Nankin home (1992)

Taken in 1992, this is the house where Maude Mae Sisson and George Benton Fry raised their family in Nankin, OH. The house is just east of Ohio route 58 on Township 673.

It once had an orchard on the L side of the house. In 1992, a pond had been located behind the house.





Revision: 11/18/2011

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